Update on Manage my Inbox
It’s been a few days and I am making great progress here. It is now the end of my work day, and I only have 311 unread e-mail items. Woo-hoo! Only 291 more to go to reach my goal of 20!
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Now that they gave me the source code I have set out to change the world. . . BRB!
About Me
Sometimes I think solipsism is real and you're not... |
It’s been a few days and I am making great progress here. It is now the end of my work day, and I only have 311 unread e-mail items. Woo-hoo! Only 291 more to go to reach my goal of 20!
My e-mail inbox is haunting me! I know my network administrator thinks I’m a pack rat, and it’s probably part true, but it has become impossible for me to read, reply, and act on every single e-mail I receive. The spams are obvious and I usually delete those right away, but even after that I still have hundreds of unread e-mails sitting in my inbox. At it’s worst I had over a thousand, but then I started deleting some of the newsletters, too, knowing I will never have time for them. I often think about hitting “select all” and then “delete” but I lose the courage to do it. So, I’m adding this as another goal for the new year. I’m hoping I can at least get it down to about 20 e-mails and then continue to manage it from there.
Don’t they say: “The first step to recovery is to admit you are powerless over technology, and your e-mail box has become unmanagable?”
It never fails… every place i have ever worked there is always someone around to compare the current work place with what’s out in the real world…. you know the story….
“In the real world things aren’t done that way.”
“In the real world I would be making twice as much money.”
“In the real world they would never get away with that.”
“In the real world they would never survive.”
I guess that means all these years when i thought i had real jobs it was all a big lie… some sort of fantasy. Anyways, with the new year approaching i decided that just once i would like to visit this real world. Looks like this is going to be one of my New Years resolutions. Anyone with me?
The creative part of my brain is void. I want to change the look and feel of my website, but everytime I set out to do it – nothing…. I ran out of creativity long sigh
I even went to some dynamic content generator sites to help me out… I end up not liking how it turns out so I end up putting it back to the way it was. I guess I’ll just have to stay stuck for a while… another long sigh