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Now that they gave me the source code I have set out to change the world. . . BRB!

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Location: Rose Creek, Somewhere on the Rez, United States

Sometimes I think solipsism is real and you're not...

Friday, February 29, 2008


I was cleaning off my desk at the end of the day and found some notes I jotted down from some meeting. I'm only putting them here so I can throw the paper away. I might come back and edit later when I get the full story.

> Lawrence Nicodemus: In his H.S. years (during the 1920's) his mom was jailed for not turning her $$ over to the BIA. Lawrence was clubbed over the head by the police man Lee Parish (?) for staying with his mom (she didn't want him to leave her). They were both jailed (at the old agency?) Indians couldn't legally keep their own personal finances.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Plight of Eugene Little Coyote and the Northern Cheyenne

About this viedo:
December 28, 2007, Elected Tribal President, Eugene Little Coyote was forcibly removed from his office by a team of BIA SWAT officers. Since then a series of Appeals have come to a dead end when Majel Russell, Principal Deputy Secretary, Bureau of Indian Affairs, preempted the Interior Board of Indian Appeals process and denied an appeal by Eugene Little Coyote. One may argue that it is merely a personal matter, but with the world's largest undeveloped Coal Bed Methane Gas Field underfoot, the Northern Cheyenne may have more than a personal matter to look for.
hadjiofthenorth, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wsAdRqPnz8

Thursday, February 07, 2008

First Americans for Barack Obama!

Yeah! This is Chief Allan, Chairman of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe, giving a young NDN leader's perspective on why he supports Barack Obama! Wo0t w0oT! Yes, if I still had long hair I would give him two braids up! Let's all show our support and join the First Americans for Barack Obama campaign!