I was cleaning off my desk at the end of the day and found some notes I jotted down from some meeting. I'm only putting them here so I can throw the paper away. I might come back and edit later when I get the full story.
> Lawrence Nicodemus: In his H.S. years (during the 1920's) his mom was jailed for not turning her $$ over to the BIA. Lawrence was clubbed over the head by the police man Lee Parish (?) for staying with his mom (she didn't want him to leave her). They were both jailed (at the old agency?) Indians couldn't legally keep their own personal finances.
> Lawrence Nicodemus: In his H.S. years (during the 1920's) his mom was jailed for not turning her $$ over to the BIA. Lawrence was clubbed over the head by the police man Lee Parish (?) for staying with his mom (she didn't want him to leave her). They were both jailed (at the old agency?) Indians couldn't legally keep their own personal finances.