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Now that they gave me the source code I have set out to change the world. . . BRB!

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Location: Rose Creek, Somewhere on the Rez, United States

Sometimes I think solipsism is real and you're not...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 3

I'm concentrating on my leg muscles for now, so there won't be any upper body excercises for a while. I basically did the same workout routine that I did yesterday and the day before. The only change was switching to the tread mill, mostly so I could chat with my friend. Spent 15 minutes on there, before heading to the dumbells. I decided I would keep my workout blog on my 43things profile since I have it listed as one of my goals. Daily activities, weight, etc will be kept there. If I skip a day, I will also post my reasons there so I can see what my "excuses" really are.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Yet Another Work Out Routine

Some time ago (like January) I made a resolution to get in shape this year. Well, almost seven months later I finally decided to do something about it. The bright light came on after hearing about a 60 year old women completing the Iron Man competition. After seeing her photos and the shape she is in I felt somewhat ashamed for my idleness so yesterday was the first day of my workout routine. This time in order to be bruatally honest with myself I put on my swimsuit and had some “before” photos taken. I hope to use them for inspiration and also to measure my progress. No photo shop alterations are going to help me now.

Because I am not in shape at all, I’m starting out very slowly. My workout today was three sets of each:

8 reps of dumbell clean and press (10 lbs)
5 reps of dumbell squat (10 lbs)
60 seconds Farmer’s Walk (20 lbs)

My weight today is 139.5 lbs.

I also did 10 minutes on some cross country step and glide thing. Not impressive, I know, but it’s a start!