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Now that they gave me the source code I have set out to change the world. . . BRB!

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Location: Rose Creek, Somewhere on the Rez, United States

Sometimes I think solipsism is real and you're not...

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Something about Cool Katt

Hello Blogger peeps... It's been a while. Today was a very cool day. I spent a couple hours (not enough) with a cool Katt (that's her name) at her graduation ceremony. And what a ceremony it was! Old songs, old stories, poems, a traditional give-away, traditional foods, and traditional people. All my favorites! I absolutely loved it! What I love about Katt is her inspiration and motivation to continue learning our traditional knowledge. It made my heart feel good in so many ways. Seeds were placed, and seeds have taken root. In my heart, I know she is going to carry our language, history, and culture forward. Something that has been my passion for so many years. Decades, if I have to be honest. And she is a technologist as well! It has always been my hope and intent that tribal people will use technology's greatest strengths to preserve our greatest truths. Congrats to Katt! You will do great things!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The benefits outweigh the risks - Really?

Two years later we are still in a pandemic. All of 2020 and 2021. The WHO, CDC, politicians, and media have been pushing all these mandates to us regular people for two years now. Forced shutdowns, stay at home orders, mask mandates, and injection mandates to adults & now children. Do all of these things, or lose your job at any given time in the last two years. But why the force? Why can't we as individual sovereign people make our own choices? What if some of us bit the bullet and went along for a while.. got the jab... but now suffer adverse reactions to the jab? Can we get a reprieve to figure out our own next steps? The writing is on the wall... boosters are the next mandate... do this, or again, lose your job, benefits, blah blah blah.... It seems to me that companies are taking advantage of the pandemic to strip benefits and save themselves some money so they don't have to continue to incur these costs. I call bad form! Scar us, then injur us, and then strip our jobs and benefits after we were injured from your mandates? What kind of world are we living in anyways? Who are these people making the decisions? People who we used to know. That's who... and WHO. And CDC, and politicians, and media. *sigh* Guess I will have to roll up my sleeve again at some point... possibly suffer more adverse reactions... because the benefits outweigh the risks. Really?


Thursday, June 11, 2020

I'm going to put this here

So a few minutes ago I hear a knock on the door.... it's a known local drug addict that house hops...homeless, no where to go. He is at a known drug house a couple blocks from here... someone broke out the windows, doors to this house just now.... and attacked people in the house, including him. He ran out... came here... tooth broken.. scared... asking if we had a gun or club he could use... I offered my biting dog. I let him hide here for about 10 minutes or so as we watched cars go up and down the street, and at the house he was attacked at. When it seemed the coast was clear, he left back to the vulnerable house. I hate this. I hope everything is ok. Druggy or not, he is still a human being. #alllivesmatter

Friday, May 01, 2020

This whole COVID-19 is getting on my nerves... one of my friends, who has control over Tribal housing houses, is going to start tagging cars to tow away even though Tribal members are in distress and have no resources to fix their cars. It seems people are taking their frustrations out on the most vulnerable, while putting their best Joker smiles on and pretending to care. Ugh, why can't people just be their best? Are we really that mean as human beings? Why not just try to help them get their cars running or something? Ha, that is probably too easy. Yes, I am disgusted.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


As an IT Director I get to help people gather statistics... the sad part of gathering statistics is I know their names, their stories, and the tragedy of our people. Today we buried yet another Tribal member that left too soon. During the services her casket, which was open, slammed shut as I was in line for the final viewing. It shocked me, but I reopened it and continued to pay my respects to this young woman. During the day I pondered what that might have meant... was she giving me a message? Later, as I was getting ready for a meeting about Tribal statistics it occurred to me that she wanted me to tell her story, and to follow the children she left behind. Part of our meeting was about collecting juvenile statistics. Why do some get in trouble and are re-occurring offenders? I don't know much about Ruby. We weren't best friends or anything, but she lived in my neighborhood. She had a house, her children, and a low paying job for a while. I helped her with her taxes once. I wanted to cry. Her income was so low. I didn't understand how she lived. She, on the other hand, was happy that she was getting a return. Fast forward, she lost her house, she lost her children to the courts and social services, and took on a lifestyle of drinking and wandering around aimlessly. Her life spiraled out of control. And we watched it happen. Ruby was a good girl. I can't say that she liked to drink, but I am not sure she was equipped to handle losing the stability of a house, and then her children. It was hard for me to sit in my meeting today without mentioning that we are not talking about numbers... we are talking about people, and they have names. Her children are not in our juvenile system today (they are good kids), but if in the future they become part of our stats, let's not forget to analyze where it started and the systems that took her home and her kids from her. RIP Ruby. I don't know your whole story, but I will do my best to tell the story of your children.

Friday, November 08, 2013


Ho-la! I can't believe how long it's been since I blogged! Looking back at my old posts... i didn't realize how often I used to blog - it was my time to sit, reflect, and appreciate my quiet corner of the internet. Then I found facebook... somewhat of a loud boisterous place if you ask me... and my blog posts have become less... while my facebook status updates became more.... i guess there's not enough room on the internet for all of my thoughts.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Time of My Life

After so many months of wandering around solo dolo.... doing shit by myself... wondering what the next chapter will bring.... meeting the wrong people, the right people... then i found my medicine.... i met someone who is so sweet, pure, and even innocent in the right sense... someone who wants me to have the Time of My Life... I have to confess.... I am.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Forward

The Coeur d’Alene Tribe is located in rural Northern Idaho, a place where carrier investments in state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure lags far behind major metropolitan areas. As an Indian community, we have been bypassed by governments and corporations for generations. The Fiber-to-the Home (FTTH) project gives us the opportunity to leapfrog ahead of those who left us behind and to become a national leader in fiber-optic broadband technology.

Monday, April 02, 2012

My name is

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2012 - The Year of the Dragon!

The stars say it's my year to shine! I'm glad they're on my side because I have every intention on making this one of the greatest years of my life in all aspects! The last dragon year held so many unbelievable blessings I am still in awe of how the universe works. All that glitters is gold. Only shooting stars break the mold!