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Sometimes I think solipsism is real and you're not...

Thursday, October 04, 2007


This whole "work out" thing is not "working out." As disappointed as I am with getting FAT(ER) I just don't have the motivation to do this thing everyday. I started out real gung-ho thinking I was going to make a religion out of it, but my workout blog doesn't lie. For all the right and wrong reasons, I have yet to make it to the gym for at least five days in a row. I gained two pounds since starting, which I force myself to believe is new muscle (at least my legs think so, HA!).

The good news is that I finally cleaned out my closet and threw out some clothes I know I will never ever fit again... well, except for things I'm keeping around for nostalgia's sake, like my desert BDU's from Desert Storm. The pants are wayyyyy small, like a 26" waist... it's hard to imagine I ever fit into them. Ha, I did try them on just to see... I guess there's a reason I have never owned a full length mirror or a scale. Let's just say that now I'm tempted to buy this T-shirt I saw...
"I beat anorexia."


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